Friday, May 16, 2008


So we've been able to tease a few smiles out of Kahlan in the past couple of weeks... she smiled for my grandma, and she'll smile for me sometimes when I'm changing her diaper...

But today, I started tickling her foot when she was in her swing, and I got a GRIN and almost a giggle...

I tried to take a picture, but of course she wouldn't repeat it once the camera was out...

Monday, May 12, 2008

We had a scare alright...

So yesterday afternoon, Rickey was in the bathroom. I was in the kitchen getting ready to give the baby a bath. The baby was on my bed swaddled up. Now, I know better than to put her right by the edge or she could roll off. What I didn't realize is that if her head is pointing towards the edge of the bed, even if she is in the middle of the bed, she can push herself off by kicking her legs around. So I hear a thump and a cry and I'm like, WTH? So I go see, and the baby has kicked her way out of the swaddling, off the bed, and is laying in the floor face down with most of her body on a pillow that was beside the bed. *insert PANIC moment*

I checked her over, and she was moving all her limbs and crying, but unhurt thankfully. I picked her up and soothed her for a bit and she started to calm down. I gave her a bath and she smiled and enjoyed herself. I fed her after her bath and she fell asleep smiling. Go figure. I guess it just scared her. I KNOW it scared me... but she's okay now. And boy did I learn a lesson...